

This might seem like a rather long post but I really couldn't choose 6 pictures that I liked the most but at least I'm not posting all 41 that I had originally chosen to pick from. I decided to make a separate post to my previous one as these are sort of different locations and I was originally imagining this to be my outfit post. I know I haven't had many outfit posts this summer than I wish I could have. To sort-of (but I know not really) make up for it, I've added a few more pictures here.

We visited a forest gallery and hiding just around the corner which was off the track was a lovely fresh water stream that looked so lush and made me feel quite whimsy. If I had realised to dress appropriately, I would have chosen to dress more like a pixie or Alice stuck in Wonderland. Perhaps next time I will. The fauna seemed almost overgrown but with clear paths for passersby. It's sad to understand that Australia is no more than .05% forest and it was quite daunting when I had heard how close we were to the road when cars were driving by close to the secret stream that wasn't exactly quite secret as families saw us taking pictures as they walked by. But I didn't mind. I'd love to re-visit in the winter since I hear it gets covered in frost and sometimes snow.

I wore:
DIY gathered skirt
Valley Girl crop (similar)
London Rebel sandals
An old hat

He wore:
Topman shirt
Oscar Wylee glasses
Vans shoes

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